Business InsurancePersonal InsuranceSpecialty Insurance November 8, 2017 Watch out for deer! Fall season mean cooler weather, shorter days, and football season gets serious. But the fall… Emmett Long
Business InsuranceConstruction Insurance November 1, 2017 OSHA’s Top 10 Violations for Fiscal Year 2017 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently released their list of most commonly cited… Emmett Long
Cyber Liability & Data CompromisePersonal Insurance September 8, 2017 Equifax reports data breach affecting 143 million Americans The credit bureau Equifax today reported a major data breach today affecting at least 143… Emmett Long
Business InsuranceCyber Liability & Data Compromise August 21, 2017 Own a small business and think you aren’t a target for hackers? Think again. Many small business owners think that hackers only target large companies. You know, like Sony,… Emmett Long
Business InsurancePersonal Insurance August 9, 2017 Why are auto insurance rates on the rise? Here's a great infographic provided by Amerisure Insurance showing why personal and business auto insurance rates… Emmett Long
Business InsuranceEmployee Benefits July 28, 2017 Ask an advisor: What is Workers Compensation coverage, and why does my business need it? From time to time on the blog we'll be answering some of the most common… Emmett Long
Business InsuranceEmployee BenefitsPersonal InsuranceSpecialty Insurance July 6, 2017 Welcome to our new website! Welcome to the re-lauch of We know you will find it to be a… Emmett Long